Tuesday, November 29, 2011

As they go on

As they go on,
as the winds blow
my life will go on,
will it stop? no.
I've lived long enough to be immortal,
mentally at least,
Yet it seems so immoral.
like I am some sort of freak, who has no life,
but with all my struggle and all my strife, 
i've not yet reached my peace,
because all of time and space has ceased.
i've not much more that I can say, my life seems to have lasted one day.
I don't care.
If it's not fair,
as long as I
get my share
of life.
as they go on, these people every day.
thinking only of themselves
in a all they live for is today,
they have made their plans, 
but they don't think,
about the things that make us sink,
like the fact that we die every day
little by little
whittling away.
as they go on
those people
living their pointless lives
just let them
let them live
until they 

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